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Title: Knowledge and traditional uses of animal resources by an Afro-Brazilian community. Preliminary results

Author: COSTA-NETO, E. M.

Abstract: Indigenous techniques and knowledge are significant in areas such as environmental assessment, resource management and sustainable development. Human populations that live in or around conservation areas constitute an essential component of the landscapes and their activities are of great value for the conservation and sustained use of the natural resources in the long term. This article discusses both the knowledge and traditional uses of animal resources by the dwellers of Remanso, in the Chapada Diamantina National Park, Bahia, Brazil, inhabited by approximately 350 Afro-Brazilians. The community is essentially poor and their members make their living by planting maize, beans and cassava. Traditional zoological knowledge concerning the reproductive behaviour, ecology, and medicinal and other uses of animal resources was obtained by open interviews with 13 informants, both male and female. Their ethnozoological knowledge was analysed using a comparative cognition table, in which native information was compared with that from the scientific literature. Animal species were identified by comparing folk descriptions with those in the literature as well as through photographs. Folk knowledge regarding animal reproductive and social behaviour, and their food ecology, was very consistent with that found in the literature. Such knowledge should be taken into account when conservation measures are to be defined and in management planning for the Marimbus/Iraquara protection area. Animals were collected as pets, and for food, medicines, and income. As well as recording traditional knowledge of native fauna, this survey also contributed to the understanding of the biology of local animal species and to profit generation by the community. The suitable management of space and natural resources, as well as respect for traditional knowledge would permit the maintenance of the environmental quality and thus the conservation of both natural and cultural resources for the use of present and forthcoming generations.

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Title: Aves da Chapada Diamantina

Authors: PARRINI, Ricardo; RAPOSO, Marcos A.; PACHECO, José Fernando; CARVALHÃES, André M.; JÚNIOR, Tadeu A. Melo; FONSECA, Paulo Sérgio M.; MINNS, Jeremy

Introdução: A avifauna da Chapada Diamantina é, ainda, muito pouco conhecida. O presente estudo visou estabelecer um quadro representativo da distribuição das aves dessa região pelos diferentes ambientes aí presentes. Para isso, foram efetuadas várias excursões a campo, que abrangeram um total de 19 localidades, onde foram registradas, por observação ou coleta, 359 espécies. Além da sua importância para o conhecimento da biogeografia das aves do Neotrópico, esse trabalho demonstra a importância da conservação dos hábitats locais, que vêm sofrendo com a expansão das atividades humanas na região.

Title: Birds of the Chapada Diamantina, Bahia, Brazil

Authors: PARRINI, Ricardo; RAPOSO, Marcos A.; PACHECO, José Fernando; CARVALHÃES, André M.; JÚNIOR, Tadeu A. Melo; FONSECA, Paulo Sérgio M.; MINNS, Jeremy

Introduction: The avifauna of the Chapada Diamantina is surprisingly little-known. No specific study of the area has been undertaken and the only information concerning its birds is scattered through general reference works, e.g. Meyer de Schauensee5, Sick18,19 and Ridgely & Tudor14,15, or in surveys of nearby areas, such as those by Pinto8 and Gonzaga et al.3. As the various biomes of this geographical formation have already been subject to changes through the actions of man, particularly in the forested areas, thorough studies of the local fauna are urgently required.      In order to undertake an adequate survey of the main biomes of this region, namely campos rupestres (arid mountain scrub), caatingas (arid lowland scrub), cerrados, gallery forests, humid forests (sensu Rizzini16) and humid areas in general, we made a number of trips to various parts of the Chapada (see map). These studies revealed a significant biodiversity, with over 350 species of birds recorded, many of which are endemic to certain biomes and threatened with extinction.

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Titel: Der Nationalpark Chapada Diamantina in Bahía (NO-Brasilien) – Geologie, Vegetation und Geschichte des Nationalparks im Überblick

Verfasser: JANKA, Heidrun

Zusammenfassung: Der Nationalpark Chapada Diamantina liegt im Zentrum des Staates Bahía in Brasilien. Chapada Diamantina bedeutet übersetzt Diamanten-Gebirge; der Name bezieht sich auf die Diamantenvorkommen dieser Gegend. Das Gebirge bildet die nördliche Verlängerung der größeren Espinha?o-Gebirgskette. Das Gebiet ist geologisch und geomorphologisch sehr vielfältig und von spektakulärer Schönheit. Die Berge der Chapada Diamantina sind zwischen 400 und 1700 m hoch. Das Klima variiert nach Jahreszeit; eine kühlere Trockenzeit wechselt mit einer wärmeren Regenzeit. Im Nationalpark kommen je nach Höhenlage, Bodentyp und lokalen klimatischen Faktoren unterschiedliche Vegetationstypen vor: verschiedene Savannenformen, Regen- und Trockenwälder, Galerie- und Sumpfwälder.

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Título: Novos registros de algas verdes cocoides (Chlorophyceae, Chlorophyta) para o estado da Bahia e para o Brasil

Autores: RAMOS, Geraldo José Peixoto; BICUDO, Carlos Eduardo de Mattos; MOURA, Carlos Wallace do Nascimento

Resumo: A partir de coletas na Área de Proteção Ambiental Marimbus-Iraquara, Chapada Diamantina, Bahia, foram identificados 23 táxons de algas verdes cocoides. Dentre eles, 19 são novas ocorrências para a Bahia e quatro são novos registros para o Brasil: Coenocystis planctonica var. planctonica, C. planctonica var. hercynica, Dispora crucigenioides e Palmodictyon lobatum. Este é o primeiro registro confirmado do gênero Palmodictyon para o território brasileiro. Palavras-chave adicionais: Caatinga, Chlorococcales, Sphaeropleales, taxonomia.

Title: New records of coccoid green algae (Chlorophyta, Chlorophyta) for the Bahia state and for Brazil

Authors: RAMOS, Geraldo José Peixoto; BICUDO, Carlos Eduardo de Mattos; MOURA, Carlos Wallace do Nascimento

Abstract: Twenty-three taxa of coccoid green algae were identified from samples collected in the Marimbus-Iraquara Environmental Protection Area, Chapada Diamantina, Bahia state. Amongst them, 19 are reported for the first time to Bahia state and four are new reports to Brazil: Coenocystis planctonica var. planctonica, C. planctonica var. hercynica, Palmodictyon lobatum and Dispora crucigenioides. This is the first confirmed record of the genus Palmodictyon to the Brazilian territory.

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Título: Dieta de Physalaemus cf. cicada (Leptodactylidae) e Bufo granulosus (Bufonidae) em uma floresta semidecídua

Autores: SANTANA, AS.; Juncá, FA.

Resumo: Foi determinada a dieta das duas espécies mais abundantes de anuros que ocorrem na serrapilheira de uma floresta semidecídua (Lençóis, Bahia, Brasil), Physalaemus cf. cicada e Bufo granulosus, nas estações seca e chuvosa. Armadilhas de queda foram usadas para a coleta de anuros e fauna de invertebrados que indicaram a disponibilidade de presas no ambiente. Physalaemus cf. cicada estava presente em ambas as estações e Bufo granulosus, só na estação chuvosa. Ambas as espécies alimentaram-se principalmente de Isoptera e Formicidae. Porém, houve uma diferença entre estações chuvosa e seca relativo à dieta de P. cf. cicada. Durante a estação chuvosa, P. cf. cicada consumiu menos Isoptera e mais Formicidae que na estação seca. Volumetricamente, Orthoptera foi a categoria alimentar mais importante para P. cf. cicada e B. granulosus. O índice de eletividade de Jacobs indicou que Physalaemus cf. cicada e Bufo granulosus são especialistas em Isoptera.

Palavras-chave: Physalaemus cf. cicada, Bufo granulosus, dieta, sazonalidade.

Title: Diet of Physalaemus cf. cicada (Leptodactylidae) and Bufo granulosus (Bufonidae) in a semideciduous forest

Authors: SANTANA, AS.; Juncá, FA.

Abstract: We determined the diet of the two most abundant anuran species which occur in the litter of a semideciduous forest (Lençóis, Bahia, Brazil), Physalaemus cf. cicada and Bufo granulosus in the dry and rainy seasons. Pitfall traps were used to collect anuran and invertebrate fauna, which showed the availability of prey in the environment. Physalaemus cf. cicada was present in both seasons and Bufo granulosus only in the rainy season. Both species fed mainly on Isoptera and Formicidae. However, there is a difference between the rainy and dry seasons concerning the diet of P. cf. cicada. During the rainy season P. cf. cicada consumed less Isoptera and more Formicidae than in the dry season. In the volumetric sense, Orthoptera was the most important alimentary category for P. cf. cicada and B. granulosus. The Jacobs’ electivity index indicated that Physalaemus cf. cicada and Bufo granulosus were specialists in Isoptera.

Keywords: Physalaemus cf. cicada, Bufo granulosus, diet, seasonality.